14 research outputs found

    Counselling on limited preoperative fasting in paediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy

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    Rajoitetun preoperatiivisen paaston ohjaus lasten pĂ€ivĂ€kirurgisessa nielurisaleikkauksessa Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ, onko sairaanhoitajan toteuttama, vanhempien interaktiivinen preoperatiivinen ohjaus lapsen rajoitettuun preoperatiiviseen paastoon ja aktiiviseen nesteyttĂ€miseen turvallista, kuinka vanhemmat omaksuvat kyseistĂ€ tietoa ja edistÀÀkö se turvallisesti lapsen postoperatiivista toipumista pĂ€ivĂ€kirurgisen nielurisaleikkauksen jĂ€lkeen. Aineisto koostui sadastakuudestatoista perheestĂ€, joiden lapsi, iĂ€ltÀÀn 4 – 10 vuotta, oli kutsuttu pĂ€ivĂ€kirurgiseen nielurisaleikkaukseen. KoeryhmĂ€ (n= 58) ohjattiin interaktiivisesti lapsen preoperatiiviseen paastoon ja aktiiviseen preoperatiiviseen nesteyttĂ€miseen. Lapsen suositellut preoperatiiviset paastoajat olivat: 4t syömĂ€ttĂ€ ja 2t juomatta. LeikkauspĂ€ivĂ€n aamuna vanhemmat rohkaisivat lapsia juomaan annokset kirkkaita nesteitĂ€ kahteen otteeseen; jĂ€lkimmĂ€inen annos 2t ennen leikkausta. KontrolliryhmĂ€ (n= 58) sai preoperatiivisen ohjauksen kirjallisena ilman interaktiivista ohjausta; paastoajat olivat samat kuin koeryhmĂ€ssĂ€: 4t syömĂ€ttĂ€ ja 2t juomatta. Vanhempien tiedontasoa lapsen leikkaukseen liittyvĂ€stĂ€ paastosta mitattiin tietotestillĂ€, joka sisĂ€lsi myös preoperatiivista tiedontarvetta ja ahdistusta mittaavan mittarin (The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information scale, APAIS). Mittaukset suoritettiin ennen preoperatiivista ohjausta tai kirjallisten ohjeiden lĂ€hettĂ€mistĂ€ sekĂ€ lapsen leikkausta seuraavana pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€. Lapsen leikkauksen jĂ€lkeen vanhemmat arvioivat myös heille vĂ€litetyn informaation tasoa. Lapsen postoperatiivista kipua, pahoinvointia, janoa ja nĂ€lkÀÀ lapset itse arvioivat VAS- asteikolla (10cm), ja vanhemmat ja sairaanhoitajat numeerisella 0 – 10 asteikolla. Mittaukset suoritettiin 2t, 4t, 8t, ja 24t lapsen leikkauksen jĂ€lkeen. Vanhemmat pitivĂ€t pĂ€ivĂ€kirjaa lapsen ravinnosta ja kipulÀÀkityksestĂ€. Aineisto analysoitiin sekĂ€ tilastollisesti ettĂ€ sisĂ€llön analyysilla. Vanhempien tiedontaso lapsen leikkauksen jĂ€lkeen oli molemmissa ryhmissĂ€ merkitsevĂ€sti parantunut, mutta kontrolliryhmĂ€n vanhempien ahdistus ei ollut helpottanut verrattuna heidĂ€n ahdistukseensa ennen lapsen leikkausta. MitĂ€ korkeammat pisteet vanhemmat saivat tietotestistĂ€ lapsen leikkauksen jĂ€lkeen sitĂ€ vĂ€hemmĂ€n he tunsivat tiedontarvetta ja ahdistusta. MerkitsevĂ€sti alhaisemmat pisteet tietotestistĂ€ oli vanhemmilla, joilla oli alempi peruskoulutus. KontrolliryhmĂ€n lapset paastosivat preoperatiivisesti merkitsevĂ€sti pitempÀÀn kuin koeryhmĂ€n lapset. Perioperatiivisesti lapset paastosivat kiinteĂ€stĂ€ ruuasta yhtĂ€ kauan, mutta nesteistĂ€ kontrolliryhmĂ€ merkitsevĂ€sti pitempÀÀn. Postoperatiivisen toipumisen alussa koeryhmĂ€n lapset olivat merkitsevĂ€sti kivuttomampia. Molemmissa ryhmissĂ€ lapset olivat kipeimpiĂ€ kahdeksan tuntia leikkauksesta ja pahoinvointisimpia neljĂ€ tuntia leikkauksesta. EnsimmĂ€isen kahdeksan tunnin aikana leikkauksen jĂ€lkeen lapset eivĂ€t olleet janoisia tai nĂ€lkĂ€isiĂ€, mutta VAS- arvot koeryhmĂ€ssĂ€ jĂ€ivĂ€t alhaisemmalle tasolle kuin kontrolliryhmĂ€ssĂ€ 24 postoperatiivisen tunnin ajan. Leikkausta seuraavana aamuna kontrolliryhmĂ€n lapset olivat merkitsevĂ€sti janoisempia ja nĂ€lkĂ€isempiĂ€ kuin interventioryhmĂ€n lapset. Sairaanhoitajan toteuttama vanhempien interaktiivinen preoperatiivinen ohjaus lapsen rajoitettuun preoperatiiviseen paastoon lisÀÀ vanhempien tiedontasoa ja vĂ€hentÀÀ preoperatiivista tiedontarvettaan ja ahdistusta, ja turvallisesti parantaa lapsen kokemusta leikkausprosessin ja postoperatiivisen toipumisen aikana nielurisaleikkauksen jĂ€lkeen. Kaikkien leikkaukseen tulevien lasten nesteyttĂ€minen kaksi tuntia ennen pĂ€ivĂ€n ensimmĂ€istĂ€ leikkausta voi olla ratkaisu lasten kohtuuttomien perioperatiivisten paastoaikojen estĂ€miseksi. Aina ei kuitenkaan ole mahdollisuuksia vanhempien henkilökohtaiseen kohtaamiseen, mikĂ€ haastaa hoitotieteellisen tutkimuksen kartoittamaan muita mahdollisuuksia vanhempien interaktiiviseen ohjaukseen.The purpose of this study was to examine preoperative nutritional face-to-face counselling of the parents by nurses on limited preoperative fasting and active preoperative nutrition: how the parents adopt the knowledge, and whether postoperative recovery of the paediatric ambulatory tonsillectomy patients is safely promoted. The data consisted of 116 families whose child of 4 – 10 years was admitted for ambulatory tonsillectomy. In the intervention group (n= 58) the parents and their children received face-to-face counselling on the child’s preoperative fast and active preoperative nutrition. The recommended preoperative fasting times were 4h without solids and 2h without fluids. On the morning of surgery the child was encouraged to drink clear fluids on two occasions; the later portion being 2h before surgery. The control group (n= 58) received delivered preoperative information in written form according to the current practice without face-to-face counselling. The recommended preoperative fasting times for the children in the control group were the same as in the intervention group. Parental knowledge of the childÂŽs fasting was measured by the knowledge test, which included The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS). Measurements were performed before preoperative face-to-face counselling or delivering written information, and next morning, after the childÂŽs surgery. After the childÂŽs surgery the parents also assessed the quality of the information they had received. The childÂŽ s postoperative pain, nausea, thirst and hunger were assessed by the children with a visual analogue scale (VAS) and by the parents and the nurses on a scale of 0 – 10. Assessments were performed 2h, 4h, 8h, and 24h after the childÂŽs surgery. A diary about the childÂŽs nutrition and pain medication was kept by the parents. Data were analysed statistically and using content analysis. The parental knowledge after the childÂŽs surgery in both study groups was significantly increased but the anxiety of the control group was not relieved compared to their anxiety before the childÂŽs surgery. After the childÂŽs surgery, the higher the scores on the knowledge test obtained by the parents the less need-for-information and anxiety they felt. After the childÂŽs surgery significantly lower knowledge about the child’s fasting was found, in both study groups, among the parents with lower basic education. The children in the control group fasted preoperatively significantly longer. The children fasted perioperatively equally in solids, but in fluids the perioperative fasting time was significantly longer in the control group. In the beginning of the postoperative recovery the children in the intervention group were significantly less in pain. In both study groups, the highest scores in pain were reached 8h and in nausea and vomiting, 4h postoperatively. During the first eight postoperative hours the children were not thirsty or hungry, but in the intervention group the VAS scores remained on a low level during the first 24 postoperative hours. In the control group thirst and hunger began to increase, and following morning, the children in the control group, were significantly thirstier and hungrier than the children in the intervention group. The preoperative face-to-face counselling of the parents on the childÂŽs limited preoperative fast is an effective way to increase parental knowledge and decrease their preoperative need-for information and anxiety, and to safely promote the childÂŽs experience during the surgical process. Counselling on nutrition to all children before the start of the operation schedule may be the solution to limit prolonged preoperative fasting times in children. On the other hand, there is not always a possibility for face-to-face contact with the parents which means challenges for nursing research to explore other possibilities for interactive counselling of the parents.Siirretty Doriast

    Knowledge expectations of surgical orthopaedic patients: a European survey

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    Ageing population entails a growing international problem of osteoarthritis. Best practices for education of these patients are lacking. This study focused on empowering education in Northern (Finland, Iceland, Lithuania and Sweden) and Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece and Spain). The aim was to analyse associations between expected knowledge and background factors. The data were collected from European arthroplasty patients with the Knowledge Expectations of hospital patients- scale, (KE(hp) - scale), including bio-physiological, functional, experiential, ethical, social and financial dimensions. Patients had essential bio-physiological and functional knowledge expectations. Women expected more than men, employed less than retired, unemployed or who worked at home. Generally, patients in Northern countries expected more than in Southern countries. However, highest expectations were found in Sweden and Greece, lowest in Spain and Cyprus. There are differences in knowledge expectations based on patients' backgrounds. Development of common standards in European patient education needs further research

    Tietosuoja palkanlaskennan nÀkökulmasta

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    TÀmÀn opinnÀytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten Euroopan unionin yleinen tietosuoja-asetus vaikuttaa palkkahallintoon. Euroopan unionin yleinen tietosuoja-asetus astui kansallisesti voimaan 25.5.2018. TÀssÀ opinnÀytetyössÀ tietosuojaa tutkittiin palkanlaskennan nÀkökulmasta. Tutkimusongelmana oli kysymys siitÀ, miten Euroopan unionin yleinen tietosuoja-asetus muuttaa henkilötietojen kÀsittelyÀ palkanlaskennassa. Tutkimuksen lÀhtökohtana oli tutkijan mielenkiinto aiheeseen. OpinnÀytetyön tutkimusmenetelmÀnÀ kÀytettiin kvantitatiivista eli mÀÀrÀllistÀ tutkimusmenetelmÀÀ. Tutkimus tehtiin sÀhköpostikyselynÀ tilitoimistojen palkkahallinnossa työskenteleville. Tutkimukseen osallistui 29 vastaajaa, vastausprosentti oli 29. Vastausten mÀÀrÀ olisi saanut olla suurempi, jotta tutkimus olisi ollut tilastollisesti luotettava. Tutkimustulosten perusteella suurin osa vastanneiden yrityksistÀ oli kouluttanut henkilökuntansa tietosuoja-asetuksen vaatimuksiin. Myös palkanlaskennan prosessit oli pÀivitetty vastaamaan vaatimuksia. Vastaajista suurin osa oli saanut ohjeet henkilötietojen kÀsittelyyn. Henkilötietojen tietoturva oli vastaajista suurimman osan mielestÀ parantunut tietosuoja-asetuksen tultua voimaan. Arkaluontoisia tietoja kÀsiteltiin vastausten perusteella tietosuoja-asetuksen mukaisesti. Asiakasyritysten kanssa oli tehty sopimukset henkilötietojen kÀsittelystÀ. Suurin osa vastaajista tiesi, miten toimia tietoturvaloukkauksen huomatessaan, tai mitÀ sanktioita mÀÀrÀysten rikkomisesta seuraa

    Esimiehen työperÀiset haasteet vuonna 2011 SeinÀjoella

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    TÀmÀn opinnÀytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, mitÀ haasteita ravitsemisalan osaajat kokevat esimiestyössÀ tai yrittÀjinÀ 2010-luvun Suomessa. Tutkimukseen osallis-tuneet vastaajat toimivat esimiehinÀ SeinÀjoella. OpinnÀytetyön tutkimusosuus oli laadullinen eli kvalitatiivinen. Haastateltavina oli kaksi naista ja yksi mies. Kaksi toimi yrityksessÀ esimiehinÀ ja yksi vastaajista toimi oman yrityksen johtajana. Haastatteluja tehtiin toukokuun ja kesÀkuun vÀlisenÀ aikana sekÀ suullisesti ettÀ sÀhköpostitse. Haastattelu tapahtui teemahaastatteluna, jossa kÀytettiin apuna haastattelusanapohjaa. Sanapohjassa on neljÀ pÀÀsanaa tutkimusteemasta. Sanalistalla haettiin vastauksia hyvÀn esimiehen luonteenpiirteisiin, oman työn haasteisiin sekÀ osaamisen johtamiseen. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin saamaan tuloksia tutkijan tekemiin hypoteeseihin. Hypoteesit olivat, ettÀ esimies kokee haasteita pitÀÀ vanhat työntekijÀt työvoimaisina sekÀ uusien työntekijöiden kiinnostuksen luominen. Työn otoskoko jÀi pieneksi tiukan aikataulun vuoksi. Otoskokoon vaikuttivat myös kiireisten haastateltavien työ. Tutkimuksen tuloksista kÀy ilmi, ettÀ suurin haaste ravitsemisalalla on hinnoittelun ongelma. Vuoden 2008 finanssikriisin vuoksi Suomessa on ajauduttu siihen, ettÀ ravintoloissa ja kahviloissa tÀytyy myydÀ ruokaa hyvin pienillÀ katteilla. Toiseksi haasteeksi koettiin osaavan henkilökunnan saaminen suurten ikÀluokkien siirryttyÀ elÀkkeelle. Moniosaaja keittiössÀ kykenee ruoanvalmistuksen ohella huolehtimaan siivouksesta sekÀ omavalvonnan huolehtimisesta. Nykyaikainen vuokratyöntekijÀn kÀyttÀminen nÀkyy silti vielÀ olevan voimissaan. Avainsanat: Esimiestyö, johtaminen, haasteetThe aim of the thesis was to study the challenges the experts face in the field of hospitality management in Finland in the 2010Žs. The respondents of the research work as managers in SeinÀjoki. Two female and one male manager were interviewed for the thesis. The male manager had a company of his own and the female respondents worked as su-pervisors in companies. Interviews were made both face to face and per e-mail. The interviews were performed through thematic interviews which were supported by a list of base terms. The aim of the study was to obtain results to support the hypotheses made by the researcher. The hypotheses proposed that the biggest challenges would be to maintain the old employeesŽ work ability and to create the new employeesŽ interest. The study showed that the biggest challenge for the food service sector is the pricing problem. The financial crisis of the year 2008 in Finland has caused that the restaurants and cafés have to sell food at very low margins. Another big challenge turned to be to get new skilled employees to replace the retiring generation. Keywords: Management, leadership, challenge

    Skills and Practices of European Orthopedic Nurses in Empowering Patient Education

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    Purpose: This study provides an overview of the self-defined skills and practices of European orthopedic nurses in empowering patient education. Nurses themselves have highlighted the necessity to enhance their own skills, but possibilities for further education have been limited. Methods: The data (n = 317 nurses) from a structured survey were collected during the years 2009-2012 in seven European countries with an EPNURSE-questionnaire (Empowering Patient Education from the point of view of Nurses). Results: Nurses considered patient education as an important part of their work and evaluated their own skills as good. However, their patient education practices were based more on practices on their ward and their own experience than on further education or evidence-based knowledge. On the other hand, lack of time for patient education and experienced overload were the major barriers experienced by nurses. Implications for Practice: Further education of orthopedic nurses in empowering evidence-based patient education is highly needed. Nurse leaders need to acknowledge the strong need for supporting nurses within clinical practice, improve their evidence-based knowledge and support practices that prioritize patient education within the hospital environment. Further international collaboration in nursing research and health-care organizations is desirable to reach these patient educational goals in clinical nursing practice

    Difference Between Received and Expected Knowledge of Patients Undergoing Knee or Hip Replacement in Seven European Countries.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink at the bottom of the pageThe purpose of the study was to examine received and expected knowledge of patients with knee/hip arthroplasty in seven European countries. The goal was to obtain information for developing empowering patient education. The data were collected (during 2009-2012) from patients (n = 943) with hip/knee arthroplasty prior to scheduled preoperative education and before discharge with the Received Knowledge of hospital patient scale (RKhp) and Expected Knowledge of hospital patient scale (EKhp). Patients' knowledge expectations were high but the level of received knowledge did not correspond to expectations. The difference between received and expected knowledge was higher in Greece and Sweden compared with Finland (p < .0001, p < .0001), Spain (p < .0001, p = .001), and Lithuania (p = .005, p = .003), respectively. Patients' knowledge expectations are important in tailoring patient education. To achieve high standards in the future, scientific research collaboration on empowering patient education is needed between European countries.University of Turku; the Academy of Finland; the Finnish Association of Nursing Research; the Finnish Foundation of Nursing Education; Cyprus—the Cyprus University of Technology; Spain—Colegio Oficial de Enfermeria de Barcelona; Sweden—the Swedish Rheumatism Association and the County Council of Östergötland; Iceland—the Landspitali University Hospital Research Fund; the Akureyri Hospital Science Fund; the University of Akureyri Science Fund; the KEA fund, Akureyri; the Icelandic Nurses’ Association Science Fund; and Lithuania—University of Klaipeda

    Information and control preferences and their relationship with the knowledge received among european joint arthroplasty patients

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    Background: The prevalence of joint arthroplasties is increasing internationally, putting increased emphasis on patient education. PURPOSE: This study describes information and control preferences of patients with joint arthroplasty in seven European countries, and explores their relationships with patients' received knowledge. METHODS: The data (n = 1,446) were collected during 2009-2012 with the Krantz Health Opinion Survey and the Received Knowledge of Hospital Patient scale. RESULTS: European patients with joint arthroplasty had low preferences. Older patients had less information preferences than younger patients (p =.0001). In control preferences there were signifi cant relationships with age (p =.021), employment in healthcare/social services (p =.033), chronic illness (p =.002), and country (p =.0001). Received knowledge of the patients did not have any relationships with information preferences. Instead, higher control preferences were associated with less received knowledge. CONCLUSION: The relationship between European joint arthroplasty patients' preferences and the knowledge they have received requires further research